Scratch the surface, scratch the prejudice.


Problem: In recent years, women have made significant progress toward equality, but unfortunately perception among the people is still the same. Men are still considered stronger and more capable than women, although in most cases this is not true. The situation is the same in Albania; therefore, it is not surprising why Albania is ranking on the devastating 62nd place at the Global Gender Gap report. Considering that USAID is committed to empowering women, gender equality and creating equal conditions for all, something had to be done on this issue. Solution: Our goal was to "scratch" the problem, dig deeper under the surface and start the conversation about gender equality. We realized that the easiest way to do this was to let people assume, as they usually do. After we invited people to the studio we presented them a profile of a successful person. However, we did not emphasize whether it was a man or a woman. As we expected, everyone thought that a successful person was a man, not a woman. In 98% of cases, people thought that the described person was a man. Without even knowing why. As reveal we showed them the person in question. Outdoor: We applied the same principle to a series of prints. Where to find the truth you need to scratch the surface, as well as the prejudice.




The Pleasure Factory